

"I have learned to [...] be kind to myself and kind to others!”

My original diagnosis was in 2016: stage 3A. Biopsy, Chemo, radiation, double mastectomy. In 2018, I was re-diagnosed with Mets in my bones and liver, so back onto two chemo drugs. The lasted five months and the my liver stopped responding, so onto my third line of chemo. I got a second opinion from Koontz Center, and they suggested Geno testing, so that is cooking now.

I've had to retire from my position as a equine speciality nurse of 32 years. It was the very best decision for me, and it was a silver lining if there is one in this life-changing experience! Retirement is all still so new to me, so I'm learning to try to embrace it, find myself a schedule, and clean some cupboards and closets.

I have learned to slow down. It's all about me now and my family, making memories, being in the moment, meditating, being kind to myself and kind to others!

There are some days that I feel very upbeat in conquering this disease, but then there's times where my liver might be painful and it drags me down. I know I might not live much longer.

I want more for research!