

"If I can keep Stage 4 Ovarian Cancer from taking my life for 20 years, you can too!”

Quite by surprise, I found out I had Stage 4 Metastatic Ovarian Cancer. After nine hours of surgery, I was in the hospital for two weeks. A young oncologist came to tell me I was going to die within a month. He would listen to me tell him I wasn’t going to die, so I found the baddest Woman Oncologist “Dr. Bigman,” who said she would help me live. That was just about 20 years ago.

Cancer has returned about every 5 years, but I quickly get it under control. Mostly organic vegetable diet with juicing organic veggies, under the care of several PhD oncologists, who have developed a whole program of nutrients that I take every day, several times a day. Strive to keep as much stress out of my life. Volunteer to travel and talk about my amazing journey through years of cancer/chemo/remission/sharing how a great team of doctors/chemo/diet/mind strength/strong will and giving to others have created a full life 20 years later.

I believe there needs to be considerably more focus on diet, lifestyle and education about any type of cancer. If I can keep Stage 4 Ovarian Cancer from taking my life for 20 years, you can, too!