

"I am a fighter, and I am not going to let this beat me.”

I have stage 4 right Breast Cancer Metastasis. I found a burning lump the size of a golf ball in my breast two days before my gallbladder surgery. A mammogram was done, and one week later, I had a biopsy done. Four markers were put in and all sorts of tests were done. Finally, after three months, I had to tell my oncologist to do a PET scan and get on with treatment.

I have gone through chemo and had to be hospitalized for pneumonia and have my right lung scraped. I was in hospital for a month. I am going on with labs and infusions. Now, I am taking two injections at a time every 21 days along with infusions. I am a fighter, and I am not going to let this beat me. Prayers, a strong support system and family help a lot.

MetathriverGary RickeTexas