

“My cancer was fast, like throwing gasoline on a fire or when wild horses escape the pasture.”

I had a red circle on the right side of my breast, and I had lost twenty pounds despite the fact that I was not on a diet. When I went to the doctor their tests couldn’t find anything wrong, so I told them to check out this red spot. It looked like an orange peel with a lot of holes, so they did a biopsy and they came back with the diagnosis of stage 3 breast cancer. I had 17 inflammatory malignant lymph taken out of my left breast and went through chemo and radiation as well. I have been fighting cancer for 10 years, it’s time to find a cure. I’ve heard stories about some crazy potential cancer cures, and I would try them all and more if it meant I can stay alive longer. My doctor says I am a miracle. I was not supposed to live this long according to their books. My cancer was fast, like throwing gasoline on a fire or when wild horses escape the pasture. My doctor told me I had maybe two years at most. I said that only God knows, and it depends on your will that you have to stay alive. I am a survivor and I ain’t going quietly.