

"Time is something that goes by mostly unnoticed until you get a terminal diagnosis."

I was originally diagnosed in 2013. Years prior, my OBGYN misdiagnosed me with fibrocystic breast changes that turned out to be the 4.5 inch tumor. When testing was complete, stage IV cancer was diagnosed.

Increased public awareness and research into metastatic cancer could prevent another young woman from this horrifying experience. Time is something that goes by mostly unnoticed until you get a terminal diagnosis.

[tr-shareit text=”Increased public awareness and research into metastatic cancer could prevent another young woman from this horrifying experience. ” sites=”twitter,facebook,google” align=”center”]Increased public awareness and research into metastatic cancer could prevent another young woman from this horrifying experience. [/tr-shareit]

I plan to spend my time thinking about what kind of mark I want to leave on the world. The outpouring of love and support from family, friends and God is why I am here today. Moving forward, I hope to be able to spread the compassion and love that has been shown to me and to do something worthwhile with the time I am here.